1920x1080 Anime Library Wallpaper. Abandoned Li...
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Main article: Third Great Beast ArcIn the anime, Lee's condition worsened, and Tsunade became concerned about him injuring himself again. She removed him from missions, but allowed him to keep training after he convinced her to do so. Around this time, Guy arrived with a new student, who easily defeated Lee and injured his ankle. While Lee was recovering, Guy took the new student with him on a mission, causing Lee to believe that he had abandoned him. It was then revealed that the new student was an impostor, and that he planned on seeking vengeance against Guy. Lee headed to Guy's location, but was trapped in a castle made out of sparring posts. He and Lee were tricked into fighting each other by seeing the other as a sparring dummy, but they saw through the technique, recognising each others fighting style, and opened their chakra gates to destroy the dummies without harming the actual person, freeing themselves and destroying the castle.
The note will inform you that a safe is hidden behind a stack of books in this library-like abandoned home. Make your way to the middle set of shelves, where books beginning with M and L live. Knock over the piles of books here and the safe will be revealed. 59ce067264