Baofeng Uv 5b Software Download Free
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Since the Baofeng Radio UV-5R series share the same manufacture programming software and CHIRP support most of Baofeng UV-5R models, this programming guidance is a helpful preference to the following model
However, programming a Baofeng radio from a computer isn't all that intuitive and can become messy even for the most experienced ham who is not used to Chinese-made radios. The USB cable driver offered by Baofeng is buggy and the programming software made by the manufacturer is, for all intents and purposes, junk.
To find and install the Baofeng USB Programming Cable driver and programming software correctly, follow the instructions below. NOTE: follow these instructions completely and in order. Failure to do so may only bring more frustration when things don't work.
2. Locate the correct USB programming driver for your operating system. You can download the Prolific driver for Windows, Mac and Linux at _Drivers.php. If you purchased the Baofeng UV Series USB Programming Cable from Buy Two Way Radios, the driver for Windows will be on the CD included with the cable in the USB Cable Driver folder. Insert the CD and go to USB Cable Driver > USB Cable Driver Prolific This is the correct driver.
4. Locate the CHIRP Programming Software for your operating system. The latest stable build for Windows XP, 7, 8, MAC and Linux can be downloaded from It is also included on the Buy Two Way Radios CD in the CHIRP Programming Software folder. Choose the appropriate folder for your operating system. Install the program but do not run it yet.
* Additional steps for Windows *- There may or may not be a notification after connection. To verify the connection, check the Windows Device Manager. Access to the Device Manager will depend on your version of Windows. Once in Device Manager, click on Ports (COM and LPT). It should be listed as Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port (COMX). X denotes the COM port number. Note the number and write it down if necessary, as you will need to know it when configuring the programming software.
To verify the connection, Run the CHIRP Programming Software. Click Go to Radio on the menu bar and choose Download From Radio. Choose the COM Port number for the USB cable, the Vendor (Baofeng) and the model of the radio (such as the UV-5R) from the drop down lists in the pop-up box. The program should download the frequencies from the radio. When it completes the data transfer, the frequency table will appear on the screen. The radio is now ready to program through your computer.
Finally I would like to mention that of all the cheapo chinese HTs I have bought (Wouxun KG-UVD1P, Baofengs UV-3R, UV-3R Mark II, UV-5R and the TYT-UV3R) my favourite is still the TYT UV3R. Small as the BF UV-3R, but with a useful keyboard, excellent and intuitive operation and menus, decent software and by far the best and nicest display. The only real con is the lack of cross band operation.
A small addition for your review: there is no cross band operation.Lack of cross band and a lousy display are the only things I have to complain about.UV5R is much better in those aspects. Software (PC and radio) is as the rest of Chinese software: mostly junk, but better than on UV5R.Hopefully CHIRP will support this radio soon.
I am not trying to be a jerk here, so I apologize in advance to John.To give Steve a useful answer, yes you CAN directly program any frequency within the accepted range of the radio w/o using the software.You SHOULDNT do it if your license or local regulations expressly forbids you from doing so. There is more to the world than just one country.
I have a test cable here that, no matter what I do, causes the radios that it is connected to to transmit. It still uploads and downloads to the radio just fine. So when I use it (which is rare), I just tune the radio to a TX inhibited channel first.
soms wil een reset wel eens helpen. Sinds deze radios grotendeels door software worden gerund komen we dat een enkele keer tegen. Probeer daarna eerst naar de repeater te luisteren in VFO mode, niet meteen herprogrammeren.
I purchased the Baofeng BF-F8HP and the proper programming cable. I downloaded CHIRP and was able to input the frequencies I want on my HT. My problem is on the CHIRP table column after the frequency, I have inputted the abreviated name of that repeater and when I upload it to the radio, it clones with no problem. Where the problem lies in when I go from Channel 1 to Channel 2, etc. the name associated with that repeater does not match up; it stays on the Channel 1 name. How do you match both the A and B parts of the screen to stay together when you advance to another channel
hi hans,i really appreciate your blogging about the LCRs and read all. now i have a small question about this LCR: i see you typed the PMR446 frequencies into the BF-460 software. does the radio takes it, and, at least, can you work them too the offers only show a spacing of 25kHz.73toby
I happened to get my hands on the BF480 software from (Baofeng Official Website) but it appears to be all Chinese and I cannot change it to English. Do you have any idea how to change it to English
The primary problem I am having is matching the frequencies, the Baofeng program keeps rounding down the last # 0 or 5 depending on its value (1-5 is rounded down to 0 while 6-9 is rounded down to 5).I have been able to get three freq matched up on different channels. The secondary problem is that the VX-351 will transmit and receive on the BF888, but the VX351 will not receive the BF888 unless I have previously pushed one of the side function buttons on the VX. I am fairly sure that I will need to re-program the VX radios. and I have the board ordering the programming cables & software now.
at this mooment all its ok, i put on the radio in channel 1, use the bf480 software, and when I try to read from Radio option, get a message to check the connecting cable or com port.I cut a little the connector to get better connection, but still receive same message.
How do you perform the scanning function Do I just have to set it in the software The instruction about pushing the PTT and monitor button does not appear to do anything. I also tried holding down the monitor button and turning on the radio. I hear a short beep, and then the radio does not seem to work.
Further to the previous post, I eventually went into the COM port and upped the bits per second to 57,600 and everything works just fine. Must be a data transmission thing. I did find the H500 software eventually.
Hello PeterI am also looking for this software and any help you can give with the h500 radios. i purchesed 10 of these and have my own channel but can not program the radios. any help would be great
I recently bought 2 bf888s radios, programming works, (BF480 software) with kenwood cable (non usb)I sofar only have a problem trying to get ctss 118.8 into the radio (it automaticly jumps to 290.0 !!!)
Je moet de landinstelling (tijdelijk) wijzigen. Met de landinstelling in Windows, ook wel locatie genoemd, wordt aangegeven in welk land je je bevindt. Hierdoor verandert o.a. de weergave van getallen en valuta, iets waar de BF-480 software gevoelig voor is.
Regarding frequencies: the factory frequencies are a big no-no anywhere in the world. You need the software to change these. Please remember that this radio is illegal without a license, whatever frequencies you put in. All you can do is make yourself less visible by using PMR (EU) or FRS (USA) frequencies. After that you hope for the best.
Baofeng Uv 8d Software 11LINK --->>> you for your quick reply to the inquiry about the UV-3 ionization voltage and frequency. I have the BF-888S and you are correct that the secondary problem is abnormal receiving from the VX-351, I will investigate further.I still look around the web and the tone on the underground about the ION booster, but I am wondering if there is not an easier way, such as, purchasing a BF-777SA and pluging a AA to make it ionize automatically.I do not have the software that you used for the program. I would be willing to go back and reprogram mine, but I am curious. You do not need a tone, just use a standard base station (I have the Skytronics SAD battery soldered in and it works with my Drx 797). You can program on the VX-3 using a phone with the Data option on, then enter the codes manually into the Skytronics program.My primary use of the VX-3 was for a long range shepherding SSTV and the radio would not work on 40/30m but worked fine on 20m. It has been two months now and the radio could not detect my Rabbit DX-5 anymore, so I tried transferring the settings into a second VX-3 and it worked now.I know that VX-3 radios are programmed using special frequencies, is there a way to program the VX-3 using a base station like Skytronics SADThe radio can be programmed and also have all the locked and unlocked frequencies. But this one function will not work correctly.When you press any of those frequencies(900MHz,950MHz and 1230MHz), the display, the keypad, or the speaker emits an \"*\" sound.All of these \"*\" sounds include the locked frequencies, when you unlocked a frequency, it will disappear from the locked frequency texts.If you want to unlock the 900MHz, 950MHz and 1230MHz, you should press the other keyboard buttons first.When you press all the frequencies, such as \"*1\" on keypad, pressing the buttton \"*\", releasing the volume buttons, then pressing the button \"*\" again.The program will be locked. d441842882 153554b96e