Teleglitch Die More Edition
Top-down rogue-like Doom with crafting. That's T3P's Teleglitch in a nutshell, though there's more to it than just that. For a start, it's tough. Really, really tough. For some it will be too hard, but this game has been made for those seeking a sterner challenge.
The first thing you find on your journey is a can, which is one of many ingredients needed for crafting. It's a simple system, pressing \"C\" allows you to see what items in your inventory can be combined, a click creates the new item. Find enough cans and you're able fashion them into plates, and when you have two plates, they can be turned into a piece of armour. Armour is very helpful in absorbing the blows that will undoubtedly find you, and essential if you want to progress through later levels. As you struggle on, there's more items that can be combined to create better gear and more powerful weapons. Building better equipment is a must if you want to survive. Early opponents can be dodged and stabbed, but adversaries encountered later on will require more firepower.
The enemies that you face quickly escalate in difficulty, and it's not long before the seemingly dangerous mutants from the first few levels seem like puppies in comparison to the more hardy opponents that later levels yield. Mindless zombies that charge in numbers soon make way for armed guards and more dangerous opponents. At one moment you can be feeling confident, a near-full health bar, medical supplies, and plenty of explosives and ammo in reserve, then the next moment you can be, simply put, deader than a dodo.
For those seeking out a tougher challenge, Teleglitch is certainly worth your attention. Mastery of the game's systems is a necessity in order to progress. It'll take time to learn how the game works, and longer still before you're able to exploit situations and navigate your way through in relative safety. The rogue-like approach ensures a semi-repetitious experience, but the randomised maps alleviate any boredom. The Die More Edition contains more levels than the original release, improved AI and more items to discover on the way.
It's a game that'll appeal to the old-school; those among you who revel in a dastardly challenge, and who don't mind seeing the load screen at regular intervals. For those who prefer a more leisurely experience, a tightly woven narrative, a hand to hold when the going gets tough; this isn't the game for you. It's brutal, uncompromising, and overflowing with death. If the thought of all that doesn't send you running, the asking price means this one's worth the price of admission.
The danger level in Teleglitch rises rapidly. Each new level features significantly stiffer opposition, often from new, powerful foes. The first time I made it past level 3, I somehow made it all the way to level 7, cobbling together upgrades for my weapons or even making new ones from scratch, barely surviving each new onslaught until I ran out of ammo and was cut down. Better equipment available in later levels offers more options and better chances of survival, but I had used up my bullets faster than I found them, and was left helpless against enemies even more numerous and brutal than before. It was a crushing defeat, as it seemed impossible I would ever be able to get any farther. I wondered if I even cared enough to try to win, or if I should simply move on to other games, having already gotten a lot of enjoyment from Teleglitch.
It helped that I decided to check out some of the new weapons added in the Guns and Tunes DLC pack. These are not found as one explores the levels of the facility, but instead appear as optional randomized starting equipment sets, which can help break up the monotony of starting yet another new run (reaching later levels unlocks the option to start a few levels in rather than all the way back at level 1, but even with the generous array of starting gear and crafting components provided when taking this option, I found I was better equipped overall if I started from scratch). Most of these are unique guns that cannot be found elsewhere, and are used instead of the usual 9mm pistol, but sometimes I was offered explosives instead, or even a late game utility item but no weapons at all. At first I liked these random gear bundles simply for the variety, but soon I found they were actually helping me get better at the game. Without the 9mm pistol to rely on, I was often forced to engage the early creatures in other ways, both through melee and by luring them into traps. I soon found that I preferred this strategy in the first few levels, shifting my focus to the shotgun (which is found early on) rather than the 9mm pistol, and saving the pistol for eventual upgrades to more useful weaponry.
Jim is more pleased than usual. (I totally am! - Jim) Teleglitch, the top-down rogue-like shooter that he personally championed, has been picked up by Paradox. Not only that, but the harsh sci-fi horror game will be expanded upon in the Die More edition, which is a phrase I find rather sinister. Surely you can only die the one time The rest is basically corpse mutilation. Anyway, the game that Jim loved, and that no-one on RPS else bothered with, will be out in the summer as a free expansion for current owners, and a full game for the rest of us. Trailer below.I'm sorry, can anyone hear a sort of grinding noise There's also a sort of low growl and hissing as well Where is it coming from I checked my flour mill, my pitbull cage, and my balloon deflating room, and there's nothing untoward going down in those places. Just let me check Adam's hole and see if he knows... oh it's you, Adam. What's the matter Why are you pulling that face You say you posted twice about Teleglitch before that Rossignol What an odd thing to get angry about. You say you're not coming out of the hole until I acknowledge it Okay, just put the shank down: Adam is great and lives in the tidiest hole I've ever seen and he totally wrote about Teleglitch first. Can I get back to the story*
Honestly, the internal politics of full-time RPS writers. They're such divas. Anyway, this new edition will come with five extra levels, better AI, lorier lore, and more items and weapons. Here is a brief trailer to get you all a flutter.
Teleglitch: Die More Edition is an enhanced version of the original Teleglitch game with more levels, items, weapons and improved AI to take this challenging roguelike action game even further. Initially released in 2012 this free content expansion was released in 2013 with both available for Windows, Mac and Linux. 59ce067264